Post 6: Postgraduate Studies.


Searching for alternatives for my future, I did a quick search in the webpage of the University of Chile.  In that surfing, I found several interesting postgraduate courses and activities that caught my attention. The one that interested me a lot and I would like attend once I finish my undergraduate was the "Postgraduate Diploma in Therapeutic and Preventive Interventions in Sexual Assault". The main reason why I would like to study this diploma is that it likely will provide me the tools needed to perform in the field of sexual assaults, at the individual level (aimed at the victims), systemic (aimed at the families) and psychosocial (aimed at the community)

The main topics that I would like to learn more deeply is the integrative understanding of the phenomenon of sexual violence, since it would provide me the basic theory or framework to work in this area. Another topic that called my attention was "psychotherapeutic interventions with victims of sexual assaults". That subject interested me a lot since they would provide me techniques to carry psychotherapy which is aimed exclusively at victims of sexual assaults.

As it is a course at the University of Chile that is given in person, there is no option to choose where to study it. The diploma lasts two years, consisting in two blocks of 3 hours per week.

Perhaps as I advance my studies my interests will change, but for the moment this diploma is undoubtedly in my study plan.



  1. wooow! this postgraduate course sound amazing! I hope that, if you still like it in the future, you could do it :)

  2. Hi sofii, I love your post, sound interesting. I hope your dreams come true<3


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