
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021

Post 8: English Language Challenges

Hello!  My relationship with English has never been very good, sometimes I get frustrated for not being able to handle the language fairly well since many times I relate to the language. I thought that when I entered the university I would not have English classes, but I was wrong! This is my second semester studying English, and I also have one more for next semester. My experience learning the language at the university has not been as I expected ... I thought that the level of demand would be much higher, a factor that complicated me because of the other fields I had in the semester. Unfortunately I have not been able to dedicate much time to studying the language since my times are very limited, in addition, my priority in studies are the other branches, since they are more demanding than the English branch. Regarding blogging, I have done them all! And I quite like this activity because the topics are very interesting to think about and write. In addition to sharing ou...


    In these uncertain times I have realized that the chances of things changing are very high. For this reason, I must think about the possible programs in my study program: First of all, there may be changes in the subjects to study, since if the university continues online, there will be subjects that I will not be able to study, since the programs of the Subjects should be accommodated and shortened according to the context. Secondly, no one knows if in some future my career becomes complicated and I fail a branch, so instead of finishing my degree in 5 years, I could finish it in 6, or 7 or 8 hahhaha. Another important point is the changes that may occur in the infrastructure of the faculty, which always seems to me to be a point in favor, since they will seek to improve student learning. On the other hand, with respect to the fact that technology is being used more and more in educational settings, it is important to consider the idea of ​​studying online. Person...

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies.

  Searching for alternatives for my future, I did a quick search in the webpage of the University of Chile.  In that surfing, I found several interesting postgraduate courses and activities that caught my attention. The one that interested me a lot and I would like attend once I finish my undergraduate was the "Postgraduate Diploma in Therapeutic and Preventive Interventions in Sexual Assault". The main reason why I would like to study this diploma is that it likely will provide me the tools needed to perform in the field of sexual assaults, at the individual level (aimed at the victims), systemic (aimed at the families) and psychosocial (aimed at the community) The main topics that I would like to learn more deeply is the integrative understanding of the phenomenon of sexual violence, since it would provide me the basic theory or framework to work in this area. Another topic that called my attention was "psychotherapeutic interventions with victims of sexual assaults...